
Projects of Faith

"The desire to create is one of the deepest yearings of the human soul...
The more you trust and rely upon the spirit, the greater your capacity to create."
-Elder Uchtdorf 

Over at We Talk of Christ, We Rejoice in Christ Jocelyn came up with the perfect way to organize all of the sentences found in 
She put each sentence from the scripture to a letter from the Alphabet.

I was so excited to read this post that I decided to make some worksheets/illustrations to go along with the project.

Here is a free download for you to share with your own kids if you'd like.
Please note the terms of use and copyright found on the second page.

Pictures of the project

As you print out each page, I suggest discussing the quotes in terms that the children can understand them.

The finished products can fit easily into plastic sheet covers and compiled to make a great quiet book for church.


Thank you to Jocelyn for the inspiration and opportunity to better share my faith with my children ;)


And another truly inspiring message from a fellow blogger, Nie Nie