
Friday, June 4, 2010

Little Pink Whale

My boy loves stories. He asks for a new one every night.
And his favorite kind are the ones we make up together.
I had so much fun with the story of the Little Pink Whale
that I decided to illustrate it using this method.
The three toys featured in this story (Monkey, Whale and Bird)
were all hand-sewn by Becka.

note: When I read this story with my 3 yr. old son, I point to the different characters and make different voices for each. That is why the font/script is written the way that it is.
Click to enlarge any image:


  1. Love the new about us page. Very whimsical.

  2. Very cute "about me" page. and i'm excited for the whale story....:)

  3. I thought the baby whale story was great! You kept my interest. I'll bet your child loves to hear it over and over again! The interesting piece of information about the baby whale's ring was so clever. This story would go over big in my area of the country (Pacific NW).

    The sharks teeth cracked me up. And when I saw the seagulls legs...very fun!

    The different fonts were were fun, but Oyster's was difficult to read. (Don't let this part throw you off on creating more fun stories with the great illustrations. Just consider it).

    Keep writing and illustrating!
    Your use of fabrics to illustrate the story is unique and creative.

  4. What a sweet little story! Thanks for sharing!

  5. very creative!

    Thanks for linking up!

  6. Sweet story. The illustrations and how you have the characters "talk" are really sweet too.

  7. Ohh my gosh, that's adorable! You are one creative mama.

  8. Reading is soooo important and what a wonderful parent you are spending and creating such quality time. Love the fact that you make different voices for the characters (I do the same thing in the Smart Reader's program and even include the child's name on occasion). Best to you and your family.

  9. VERY CUTE!!!! your good!
    come see my blog too and follow me, I am brand new to blogging!
