
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Military Wife

My husband is in the military so he leaves home a lot.  
The first time he left home was when we were newly weds and still living in the college town where we met.  This was years ago when Becka and I lived in the same state and went to the same school.

One night I called her up, crying.
I was hormonal and pregnant, I hadn't heard from my husband in weeks.  I was a total hot mess.

Becka came over to cheer me up.
She needed to take some pictures for her photography class and asked me to be her subject. 

I just knew the photos would turn out terrible since my face was blotchy and my eyes were swollen with tears.
But her photography class paid off and she did a good job.  You can't even tell I was crying.
And now, these are some of my favorite pictures I have of myself.

She made me smile...

This post has been linked up to
Resourceful Mommy

And to Word Up, Yo!
for using the word of the week: 
Hot Mess Definition 2:  a person who looks as if they've been to hell and back

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  1. Those are beautiful pictures! The first in particular is very poetic.

  2. They are awesome photos and you look beautiful! Please know there's a lot of people who pray for your husband every day... my husband and myself included. My son is currently in Iraq, so I have a small insight into what you feel.

  3. I can see why you like them so. They're absolutely beautiful!

  4. Those photos ARE lovely!

    Thank you for your service -- and your husband's too -- I admire you military wives so much. My brother is USMC and just moved his family (pregnant wife and two daughters!) to Okinawa....I just can't imagine that kind of life!

    I hopped over from Word Up, YO!

  5. Those pics looks amazing!!!! And you don't look anything like a hot mess, but going through that emotionally must feel like going to hell and back.

  6. These pictures are fantastic! You look amazing. You are amazing.

  7. These are really good! It's so amazing to have someone to support you when you're feeling down.

  8. It nice to have a friend like this, who come over to make one feel better. I think these are beautiful photos of you.

  9. You completely look like a model. I love it and I love Becka.

  10. Becka is such a great sister! And I agree with KLZ - you could be a model!

  11. How uplifting with all the love coming your way, CK!

    Just wanted to say thanks for signing the guestbook. Your boy is a handsome little man. :)

  12. I love the second one of you...they turned out great! I can only imagine how hard being away from your hubby can be. Hang in there girl!

  13. Just wanted to come by and say thanks for the comment on my swaddle blanket!

    These are really cute pics! Great post... I really like your guys' blog :) I'm your newest follower.

  14. Those are such gorgeous shots and you look absolutely stunning! My ex-husband was in the Army so I know how hard those deployments can get. It's great that you have a wonderful friend to lean on during those tough times. Not to mention your blog! That'll keep you busy for sure. :)
    Thanks for stopping by and linking up your WW post over at my place the other day. Sorry for getting back to you so late. It's been a heck of a week around here. Have a great weekend!

    Kristi, Live and Love...Out Loud

  15. Greetings from Malaysia! Love your pictures! They are absolutely beautiful!
