
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Clementine Monkey Princess- GIVEAWAY! ***CLOSED***

"Clementine is a happy little girl who is blessed with a special talent: she can climb anything.  Lynden, the king of the monkeys, wants to crown her his Monkey Princess.  The monkeys whisk her away from the safety of her home to the wilds of the Jungle of Flim.  Her two brothers set out, with the help of their dad, to save her..."  (

Alright, so it turns out that story-telling runs in the family.  My Aunt Nora and Uncle Adam have teamed up to write this fantastic story!

I purchased this book and read it to my son and realized 2 great things I love about the book!
1)  The illustrations!  The characters are lovable, the details are amazing and the scenes are easy to relate to.  I wish I could open the book for you so you could see detail in King Lynden's jungle throne, or the expression on Dad's face when Clementine climbs the fridge!
2)  The story!  This story has per-son-ality!  I am rolling on my sides when Leonard, in effort to save his friend's life, offers the old crocodile a fishing pole.  Leonard argues that fish are tasty and easy to catch but Pressington, the monkey, just wouldn't be good without ketchup!

My son (3 yrs) was drawn into this tale about a young girl who loved to climb (don't all kids love to climb?) and he really enjoyed the pictures of the charismatic elephants and the intriguing old croc.  I, too, enjoyed the illustrations and loved the clever details in the writing.

So!  We have a signed copy of the book that we'd like to give-away to one of our readers.  You can have up to 2 entries in this give-away.  Here's how to enter:

1st entry- Make a comment on this post.
2nd entry- Invite a friend to come have a look at this post.  
(And leave a second comment to let me know you did this.)

That's it!  Easy-peasy!  


The giveaway will close one week from today (Thursday, August 12th) at 12pm PDT and we will announce a winner on Saturday (August 14th).  Check back next Saturday to see if you won or leave a contact address in your comment.

Love to all!

This giveaway is posted on giveaway scout!  A great search engine for blogger giveaways all over the web.  

PS  Ms Understood brought this to my attention... if you'd like to purchase the book, you can find it here:


  1. sounds like a lovely book!

    ykatrina at hotmail dot com

  2. It is adorable!

  3. Would love to add this to our collection! I read that if you read to your baby everyday then they will have a greater vocabulary and love reading! Thanks!

  4. One of the granddaughters would love this for a birthday gift. Thanks for the giveaway.
    jmclean at mts dot net

  5. Awesome! We love books at our house, and are always looking for more!

  6. I would love to read this story to my little boys!

    Thanks for the giveaway!


  7. I love this.

    You blog is darling, you two sweet sisters!

  8. This is soo cute. Is there anywhere I can purchase it. I googled and didn't find it so I'm guessing it's early in production. Let me know. Thanks.

    Stop by the blog if you can. We're celebrating memories today.

  9. Thanks for the alert, C. The book sounds wonderful and I'm 'in it to win it'! :O)

    Carrie, I met someone (Vanessa) who was intrigued by your tutorial of The Little Pink Whale. I sent her your way and she may have questions. That was such a great guest posting you did!

  10. I'd love to win! Just posted a list of books with little girls' names in them--I"m adding this one to the list!

    mysillyeagle (at) gmail (dot) com

  11. Just tweeted your giveaway!

    mysillyeagle (at) gmail (dot) com

  12. That sounds like a really cute book! I bet my son would like it too!
    reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com

  13. I told my friend to check out your giveaway too. She has a little girl who would like this book too!
    reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com

  14. happy SITS Saturday Sharefest! This is my first visit to your blog. It's adorable. The Clementine book looks really sweet also!

  15. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a sweet comment about pets. You have a great blog. What a great way to encourage reading!

  16. aw so cute! and thanks for the tip about my buttons not working. I completely forgot to change them when we switched names! :P

    Meg_cos_86 at yahoo dot com

  17. thank you for the oppurtinity to win such a beautiful book! and congratulations to your uncle and aunt!

  18. Super cute book!


  19. What a great book. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  20. Sounds like a great story.

    Thanks for the chance to win!


    ejm6x (at) yahoo (dot) com

  21. My daughter would love this book!
    lifewithjding at gmail dot com

  22. How cute! I have a friend who is in the process of writing a children's book about a ferret.

  23. This looks so cute! I would love to have it to read to my kiddos.

  24. hello! I would love to read that book to my nieces and nephews!

    roseanne1187 at hotmail dot com

  25. my daughter loves to climb too!
    great giveaway

  26. ok, told 4 others with toddler age kids to come on over!

  27. thank you for this opportunity, it looks like a nice read that not only my daughter would enjoy... I love children's books!

  28. sounds like a great book
    i want to read it to my niece

  29. great idea. thanks for chance to win.
    will pass it on!

    Darrell Lister

  30. oops forgot address
    listerville @ centramedia DOT net

    Darrell Lister

  31. love to read!
    would love to have this in my collection!



  32. ms(dot)verymarried(at)gmail(dot)com

    my niece would love this!

  33. I'd love to read this book :)
    Who doesnt know clementine ?

    Contact me dear :)

    thankies for helding this sweet giveaway and have a perfect day :)

  34. I love a good children's book! I used to read them all the time as a teenage babysitter, even when the kids were asleep!

    couponboss at gmail dot com

  35. Thank you for this lovely giveaway! :)

    Me and my cousins will read it a lot.

    rutaaj at gmail dot com

  36. What a cute sounding book! Just like a kid to think something won't taste good without ketchup!!

  37. My little monkey would love this book!

    elkmeese at yahoo dot com
