
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Remember this post???

Well.  He's home ;)

From Nov. 3, 2010:
A friend said I was bored, but I was actually having a lot of fun painting on my face:
My husband comes home from Afghanistan this month and I am suuuper excited!!!

So if you notice that I drop out of the blog world this month...
its probably because I am spending every waking (and sleeping) hour curled up next to my soldier on his home leave.

My kids are really excited too!
We made a poster using this technique

And I think it turned out really well ;) 

On a more serious note, 
I recently received this comment from Gloria
and I appreciate her kindness in recognizing a soldier's sacrifice for our country.  It made me think, though, that my own kids, without much say in the matter, have also given their own sacrifice.
So I just want to take a moment to say thank you to my kids.

Thank you for... 

giving me kisses in the morning, 

for drawing pictures of us with Daddy,

for running around the house and keeping it alive,

for cuddling with me when I miss Daddy,

for singing "I'm so glad when Daddy comes home," at the top of our lungs in the car,

for jumping for joy every time we see Daddy on skype,

for reminding me that I'm in Daddy's chair every time I sit in the drivers seat instead of the passengers seat,

for keeping an empty seat with Daddy's name on it at the table every meal time,

for being patient in waiting for Daddy's return every day for the last 5 1/2 months,

and for helping me make our welcome home poster!!!

I'm so glad when Daddy comes home.



  1. I wish no man or woman had to leave his/her home to go to fight and I wish all children would grow up having both their parents are home with them. I am glad for you and your family. A big welcome!

  2. Hi, just stopping by to let you know there is a little something-something waiting for you over at my blog today!

  3. Enjoy the time so precious! Every second of it!
    I wish, as well, nobody had to experience the consequences of a war at any level: soldiers, families... and those who are living under constant bombing too... I can't imagine having to put a baby to bed with that kind of noise on the background and the fear that I might not see him again...

  4. HOORAY!!! DADDY'S HOME!!!!!!! Congrats to you, CK, kids, and especially your hubby! And thank you for mentioning me in your post - you are a sweetheart. I am going to repeat what I said in that other post, because it bears repeating: May I take this time to say THANK YOU to your husband, for being part of our armed forces, and thank you to YOU and the kids too, for putting up with all that you have to, having a husband/dad being gone as he is being a defender for all of us! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU FOR YOUR SACRIFICES! Now all of you go have a great time hugging and kissing and just LOOKING at Daddy! Bet you still can't believe he is ACTUALLY THERE! LOL! And don't you DARE worry about your blog for awhile, we will still all be here. Just go and be with your family. (Unless of course you want to post "happy" pics of everyone cause Daddy's home! ;)
    Best and blessings,

  5. This is beautiful and I can't imagine how difficult it must have been to be without him for so long... but it's got to make the time together SO WORTH IT.

    It's so great to read about families that appreciate each other so much. This post fills me with warm fuzzies :)

  6. CK, I want to cry reading this. I always say that the person who has it the hardest when a man is deployed is the wife/mom. Maybe I'm biased, but seriously, I can't even imagine how hard it must be! Glad you get to have your husband back!
