
Thursday, April 7, 2011

A box for Japan

One box.  

After reading this post, my kids and I scavenged around the house to look for the listed items.

Hand sanitizer, wet wipes, toilet paper, hygiene products, lotion...

A couple pair of shoes the kids recently grew out of, a handmade copy of a Bedtime's orignal and a personalized note;
all of these things came from around the house.

Everything fit neatly in a box and then we scavenged up some coins for shipping costs, just as Nicole suggested.

My kids know about the earthquake and tsunami in Japan because after it happened, I discussed emergency preparedness with them.  I showed them where our 72 hour kit is and explained to them that we would take it with us in case of an tsunami warning.  

The children are young but they can understand that sometimes we have friends around the world who  need our help.  
Photo taken from the MSN Photo Blog

After the tsunami, a group of children in Ishinomaki were left at school with no parents to claim them.  Many of the children need shoes, hair ties, socks or something small that brings a smile.  A group of elderly are staying at a Buddhist temple there and are also in need of a few essentials.

Donations to the Red Cross and other organizations are necessary for Japan right now but with this plan we can also offer a small, personal gift.

Nicole posted this idea yesterday, and already, we've got almost 100 boxes going to Japan!

Please consider sending a box as well!
Head on over to Nicole's and see how you can assemble one box for Japan.



  1. Great idea...thanks for sharing!

  2. thank you so much for this post!! It's an awsome idea!

  3. wonderful!! i wish i could of put those photos up on my post today. I'd love for you to be the first to upload them on the flickr group on the sleepy time gal!!!!
