
Friday, April 1, 2011

Fish Delish; Food Friday

Every once in a while, an experimental meal turns out great.

(I take a lot of pictures of my food but, unfortunately, a lot of my meals turn out yucky so their opportunity at stardom never reaches the blog.)

For this meal, 
I chopped up some cilantro, 

some fresh green onions from CSA (of course)

added about 2 Tbs of Italian dressing and some minced garlic,

threw in my favorite spices (salt, pepper, oregano, parsley and other italian herbs to taste),

poured in about 1/4 cup of melted butter,

mixed it all together and...

spread my concoction upon some fresh red snapper.

I baked the fish for 20 minutes, flipping them over half way through,

And served this over spanish rice.

It tasted delicious.
Thank goodness for my husband's sake ;)



  1. This looks amazing! I never make fish because my husband doesn't like it. Boo. :(

  2. Fish is always so tasty, and surprisingly simple to prepare.

  3. Hi, CK! I haven't visited in a long time... I was without a laptop for weeks, finally got a new one. This is a great post -- a HEALTHY post! I think I will try this! Thanks for sharing. Hope all is well with your hubby and the family.
