
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

More Painted Wooden Spoons

A while ago I posted about some painted wooden spoon puppets I made for my daughter.  They were an instant hit not only with her, but also my little boy as well.

I decided to paint up a few more for the Painted Spoon Family, and included one solely for my son. 

Can you guess which one is his?

Lizzy knew this one wouldn't belong to her from the get-go.  It seems to help in the sharing process if there is at least one that she doesn't have to feel complete ownership of.

And my boy loves this guy.

I simply bought a packet of wooden spoons from the dollar store, and painted them with non-toxic acrylics.  If I had had more time I would have gone over the faces with a non-toxic varnish or something, but I think they turned out fine the easy way out.

If any of you try this I'd love to see the results.  There aren't a whole ton of painted wooden spoons that come up with a google search.  I think animals would be fun, like maybe a lion or a bear?



  1. I love these--for sure I am going to try these with my granddaughter. So easy too.

  2. You are so ridiculously talented! love them.

  3. Just wanted to give you an internet ((hug)), CK. Hope all is going well.

  4. Wow! Those are so cute! oh... your guest post is up! FYI :)


  5. Aaaaa-dorable! These remind me of some rock people my mom made when we were wee children. I'd love to make my own wooden spoon puppets but I'm afraid they wouldn't turn out nearly as cute.


    P.S. Thanks for stopping by Fancy House Road and leaving a comment today. Your blog is SO cute! Me likey.
