
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

This is not a time waster

That being said, 
this is a time waster.

"What is it?", you may ask.
It's House  

It is a glorious place where you go and you dream.  You dream of what it will be like to maybe one day, one distant day, move away from your one-bedroom apartment and reside in a building you call your own.  Either that or look up the most extravagant house you can, just because it's cool.  Look!

This place has five bedrooms, and over six bathrooms!  They even have a courtyard for their four garages!
And yet it gives off that Jane Austen feel that you so much love.  So you forgive them for being absurdly wealthy and invite yourself over for a month-long visit to have herbal tea and nutella (on a spoon).

That's a real life photograph folks, someone actually lives here!

And then it's fun to look at the tiniest abodes.  To dream of how fulfilling a simple cottage could make you feel.

Searching on this website is free if you do not include the time you spend house-gazing.  I actually call it a date night when the kids are in bed and my man and I can search up dream homes for when we finally get settled.  There is nothing wrong with getting a 10-year head start on ideas.  That way when we are finally house-shopping we will know exactly what we want when we see it.  

Something along the lines of this!*


* I may or may not be completely joking.  I mean, I would never live anywhere where palm trees would grow.


  1. Looking at virtual homes is fun. I guess I think of all the responsibilites that go with the home.

    I like having smaller because it scales down the responsibilities. It all depends on what stage of your life you're in. We're more settled at this point!

  2. You are so funny! I love looking at house plans also.
