
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Please be patient with us!

Or blog is currently in the middle of a construction zone.  

We don't know how it got there, it just up and jumped into the middle of a muddy pit between a ninja and a robotic flying bunny.  
Please be patient while we get it sorted out :)

In the meantime, here is a coupon to go eat that treat that is in your cupboard that you keep telling yourself is for later....

go ahead, it will make you happy.


  1. looks delicious!! ;)
    I'm so glad that I can 'eat' it with my eyes (because the real thing would totally be forbidden!!).

  2. ha ha ha! i think i will go have a treat!

  3. HAHAHA as if I have treats in my cubboards- they are eaten immediately and never last long enough to debate eating them....:)

  4. I WISH I had a treat waiting. I never let them sit around my house for very long!

    Come back soon!
