
Friday, February 12, 2010

mmmm cookies....

Our little family decided to decorate cookies for Valentines Day. I've made sugar cookies just a few times in my life. I have absolutely no cookie cutters, and as a result of this activity have decided that they will soon become a great investment. It took us a while to finally find time to dig in and get sticky, but our tummies were quite satisfied with the outcome.
The first plate here is presented by my creative husband. It brings a smile to my face every time I see it. I find that sugar cookie decorating can really help someone express their love for things in a different way.
For example, who would have thought that my husband had such a passion for two-headed monsters, dinosaurs, and cheese? This lovely plate was too good to give away to the neighbors.

The next plate here was a result of my shaky hand. I had, in my mind, envisioned sweet and curvy swirls everywhere. I basically had to make it look like I was 'going-for' the scribbly look.

And what else to do you do with extra frosting and food coloring?


  1. I LOVE the first plate, it made me smile also. The first cookie I noticed was the "two headed monstor". You are making me hungry for sugar cookies....mmmmm

  2. And I think you both did a beautiful job...I tried decorating ethan's birthday cake last october, and what i envisioned definately did not manifest itself on the cake, so I'm impressed by your skills, even if you think they are shaky.

  3. Those last hearts with the extra frosting look amazing! It's so fun to see what other people come up with. Wal-Mart has great cookie cutters :)
