
Tuesday, July 27, 2010


CK and I are very aware that many of you who view our blog love children and cherish the moments we spend with them.  CK and I enjoy creating stories and small characters with our own kids.  It's fun for us, and we enjoy bringing some of that to life on this blog.
Motherhood brings us great joy, although sometimes things can get discouraging.  Life can seem dim when there are cheerios all over the floor, two children screaming, and visitors coming for dinner in an hour.  But our role as mothers is ever important, and is often the most rewarding.  Here is a short video on Motherhood.  I'll confess it took me three times of beginning the video over the course of two days before I actually had time to finish viewing the whole thing (and it's less than 4 minutes long!), but each time it started I immediately started to cry because I felt like it was something I needed to hear, and that someone out there understands me.
One of my favorite parts in the clip is when the mother is pulling her daughter away from the toilet (other kids get ahold of it too?!)  
We hope you find 4 minutes to stop and view this quick message.  It truly is comforting and inspiring.

Keep on going mothers!

with love,


  1. I saw this before and it is really good. Even though I can't really relate, I am so glad to know there are wonderful women out there doing a fabulous job. Keep up the good work ladies.

  2. That was a beautiful video. I'm not a mom, but it made me think of my mom and everything that she did for me growing up. Moms are amazing.
