
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Here's to craft room closets.

I love hearing about craft rooms.  I get so excited to see the work space of others.  There's something so personal that gets portrayed with the environment one chooses to surround themselves with.  

I'm still working on mine.

In the early days of this blog I posted about my workspace in my little home.  As you can see, my crafty room is actually just the corner of my bedroom, where lies a table full of crafting supplies.

Well good news!  I've upgraded!

No, not to a new room, but to a beautiful handmade shelf by my husband.  It's so much more added space, and motivates me to be more organized.  

I love the way this came about.  
A few weeks ago I was offered three huge tubs of old fabric from a nice lady who was moving away.  I live by scraps, so I said yes to it all, informing my husband that when we came back to our apartment I would be sorting through it all and of course getting rid of a lot that I couldn't use.  How could it all possibly fit into our small home?

Later that day, as he watched me dig through the tubs, squealing with delight at the treasures of material I was finding, I looked over to find him studying my craft corner with a pensive eye.  
"What's wrong?"  I asked, terrified of what I knew the answer must be.  I knew he was going to remind me that sadly, there was no way I could keep all that I was finding, but that I would just have to pick my favorites and donate the rest.  That's why his answer astounded me.
"Oh, I'm just wondering if there is a way I can build some shelves on your table there."


"Why?" I asked.
"Oh, I figure we are going to need some more space..."  and his gaze lead on down to the piles of fabric surrounding me.

Oh true love!

Now before anyone points out that, "Becka, don't you have a 1 1/2 year old?  Look there at those shelves there.  Can you not see that the legs of your very heavy shelf are resting on the very edge of your table?"   Why yes, we realized this was a hazard and so we screwed some nice strong screws in from the bottom of the table into the legs of the shelf.  It is sturdy.  Very sturdy.

Now enough about this corner.   I wanted to share with you some other awesome little craft places I've come across!

This neat room was created from a walk in closet!  The post I am linking you to is actually just where this cute room was featured, it is not the blog of the actual owner.  Hers can be found here, but I couldn't find the post where she talks about her craft space because it is in a different language.

But here is the before:

And here is the after:

Amazing huh!  It's her own little office!  She even fit in a desk.  I love how it doesn't feel too cramped.  Talk about motivation to stay organized!

The second work space I wanted showcase was from Little Bit Funky.  Her craft room isn't necessarily where she does all her work, but it's 'her' craft space nonetheless.  


And after:

It's like a candy shop!  I love how she decorated her space.  

The last I will show comes from Thrifty Decor Chick.  I am so impressed with what she did.

She took this:

And made this: 

Let's face it, for some women our home is where we go to work.  And sometimes, we need our own office.  I like to see what can be made from a normal home with average circumstances.  Really, not everyone can have a creative refuge like this.


  1. Looks Great Becky! I like the idea of turning a walk-in closet into some craft space. Maybe when you move into the blue house, you can use the store room as your craft space! That would be HUUUUUUGE!

  2. I need a craft space so badly...Thanks for all the ideas!


  3. I understand the need of having your own working space so much! I recently got mine and it's soooo great! I'm still working on it. And yes... you feel more motivated to be organized and then make new stuff.
    nice post!

  4. Seeing the before and after kinda motivates me to do something with my space. Good post!

  5. Gosh all of these rooms just make me want to make stuff! So much creative energy, cool materials, and endless possibilities. It is so important to have a space for ourselves where we can create and express.
