
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A Night* with CSA

Every two weeks I pick up a huge box of subscription vegetables
from the local CSA (Community Supported Agriculture)...
and I gotta figure out how to use 'em.

The kids like carrots...

and oranges.

 I like swisschard... cream-sauce.

After the kids go to bed...
I get to work.  

With tomatoes:



 More tomatoes:


Pumpkin seeds:

Pumpkin hand:




kale soup: 

And I'm a tired Mom.  

But dinners and lunches are so easy...

for about two weeks...

and then we start the process all over again ;)

I subscribe to a fabulous, organic, family friendly farm near by and love the people there to death!


*note:  I like to think that I could do this all in one night but usually it takes me a several nights/days to work through all the vegetables... if I'm lucky ;)


  1. You are a veggie master! I don't believe I've ever had Swiss chard. I assume it has a neutral taste?

  2. Wow, you should be a tired mom. That is amazing. You are using some things I have never even tasted.


  3. Trying to convince my husband of the value and joys of the CSA. He doesn't have faith that I will find ways to use all the different veggies and fruits. Jealous that you get to enjoy all of the beautiful looking bounty!

  4. Hi - I've popped over from Domestic Goddess. Love the pumpkin hand and tired mom shots!

  5. Wonderful! Loved the pictures!

    Have a great day!

  6. Ah, that's awesome. I'v got some tomatoes to can, speaking of...

  7. Wow - I plan to do this with our local CSA next growing season. Do you juice ? or just blend? I'm buying a juicer this week. Any good blogs you recommend ?
    Thanks Monica

  8. I used to do this...back when I did not cook - go figure! I keep meaning to "subscribe" again because I think we would have so much fun with all these veggies now!

  9. i love it! we really want to do a csa program next year. LOVE the photos.

  10. What a cool thing and great opportunity! I'm really unaware of what CSAs are and where they can be found.

  11. ok seriously, that is a talent! Not only would I not know how to DO veggies in all those ways, but dang I couldn't EAT veggies done all those ways! LOL

  12. What!!!! I'm impressed. And I really need to find a farm like that. Too cool. Maybe you could do a post about how you found this CSA? And how others can find one in their area? And how it works? Just maybe. :)

  13. That's such a good idea. One I've always meant to do but still haven't. Except when they were babies I guess. Thanks for posting up at Vegetarian Foodie Fridays!

  14. You are one heck of a woman! And you're going to have the healthiest kids in town if you keep that up.

    What a wonderful gift you are giving your family!


  15. Such an awesome idea! I'm eating more fruits and veggies now and it makes a HUGE difference in my energy, health, skin, etc. and using organic/local foods is even better! You are incredible!

  16. I have thought and thought and thought about joining a CSA and after this post I think I just may go ahead and do it!
