
Saturday, December 25, 2010


It's December.

So I pull out the family recipe,

mix the dough with the kids,

roll it all out,

make a pattern,

cut the pieces,

crush the jolly ranchers,


frost it together,

enjoy the kids,



...And feel a part of my Mom's tradition,
[my mom's house this year]

my Grandmother's tradition, 
[my mom's house in 2006]

And my Great-Grandmother's tradition which she brought with her from our heritage in Germany.

Oh, how I love the holidays!

I love making a gingerbread house and imagining what it was like when my great grandmother made one at Christmas time decades ago.
Was she stepping over babies at her feet too?
Was she also baking the extra gingerbread for neighbors and friends?

I love a time when we can think about our friends and family and who and what really matters to us in this world.

I love to think of how God has made a way for us to be connected for eternity through our families.
And I love to think of our Savior who was born at this time and lived a life of giving and loving
so we can all return to him some day.

Merry Christmas, my friends!

With love,


  1. I was amazed at your stained glass windows, and then as I scrolled down and saw your mom's and grandma's house, my jaw dropped!

    They are amazing! Have any of you ever entered contests?

    I hope you guys had a very merry Christmas.

  2. Good job Carrie! I love your house, and now I want to go make one....:)

  3. Those are just so beautiful! Thank you for sharing these. We made gingerbread cut-out cookies this year, but I think next year, I'll try for a house. So lovely.

  4. Totally awesome!! Amazing!! Love traditions like these! Good for you for continue them on for future generations in your family!

  5. Wow! Those are SERIOUSLY impressive! I've never seen them made from scratch like that!

  6. Oh my gosh those are so amazing! I'm in now...I'm gonna try doing it (because I'm jealous) I will be practicing all year! :)
    Are those lit inside? How is that done? I want to do that.

  7. That is gorgeous. You have way more patience than I do!

  8. Those are the most beautiful gingerbread houses I have ever seen!! How long do they take you to make? Your family is just so super talented! And thanks for the sweet comments on my blog!! You always make my day. :) I didn't actually work on Christmas, I should've clarified that better. I just woke up thinking I had to and I started getting ready, but it was actually time for presents haha.

  9. that is absolutely adorable! I never thought to make my own... i wonder if this would work with the cookie dough that comes in the tub? I made gingerbread cookies using this dough... I will try next year when my son can appreciate the fun involved.

  10. Talent with gingerbread definitely runs in your family! Beautiful! Thank you for sharing your tradition. Happy New Year, my friend! Jenn

  11. Oh wow! These just look so AMAZING! I haven't decorated a gingerbread house since I was a kid. Someday....

  12. Those are the most beautiful gingerbread houses I've ever seen!!!

  13. CK I love these I have not made ginger bread houses mine are made out of candy but I love your...Thanks so much for visiting my blog...
