
Monday, February 7, 2011

CAN-O-LA Granola!

Cool blogging friend, Jen, made this AWESOME label to go along with my granola recipe.
She played off the word "canola" and made labels for granola in a can ;)

I made some this morning for breakfast but changed the recipe again...  *sigh*  I never make the same thing the same way twice.  This time I added pecans and sliced almonds, ground flax seed andI used olive oil for canola oil.  But it turned out DELISH, just the same.  If you haven't tried out this recipe before, you really ought to give it a shot.  The kids love it.

"More, please!"



  1. Oh man, I love granola. I have never tried to make it though for some reason. Yours looks yummy!

  2. MMM! Granola!

    This is making me want to make some. MMM!

  3. i'm definitely going to try your recipe next time. thanks!

  4. ah hah! the label is so cute! how clever!

  5. Mmmmm...pecans! Sounds fantastic! Thank you so much for featuring the label! It was so fun creating something fun and festive to decorate cans of your wonderful granola! I just bought ingredients this past weekend to make up another batch.

  6. Hi CK,
    I was able to figure it with some help from the tech guys to add SITS girl button. Thank you so much for contacting me... I actually like the traffic... and comments which is very helpful...

  7. I went to your link and copied the recipe! I want to start eating something HEALTHY like this. :) Thanks for sharing, CK!

  8. You my dear are so creative! I have to do as Gloria did and copy/paste the recipe. It really looks scrumptious.I am stopping over to thank you for making my day for SITS. Thanks for your encouragement. I'll try not to be a stranger as I like what you are posting.

  9. I love the "pun-y" nature of the name!

  10. I'm gonna have to try this. I've only ever made granola once and it was burnt and hard enough to break teeth. I don't even like granola but my husband and kids will be forever grateful to you if this recipe actually works. ;)

  11. That makes you a real cook. The recipe looks delicious.

    Thank you for popping by my blog on my SITS day.

