
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

safe(r) crayons

With a new one crawling I've been increasingly aware of choking hazards.  Some of these choking hazards were the little pieces of broken crayons that roll off the table from an older sister.  To take care of this I decided to make the crayons as chunky as possible.  There are a lot of nice detailed tutorials out there that show you how to make really cute nice crayons.  I just melted mine into a muffin tin.

I ripped off the paper (way harder than it looks, I ended up using a sharp knife), then broke them into small pieces (super satisfying).  After they were divided up into the different tins I put them into the oven at about 425 degrees for maybe 15 minutes.  They melt fast!  They get really bubbly too.

Watch them!  You don't want burning wax.

When cooled, I popped them out.  The tops weren't too cute (a little muddy), the bottoms are a nice playful color though.

And way harder to stuff into a mouth :)

My daughter has discovered that they are stackable.  
It's fun, and they are helping her to learn her colors.



  1. these are awesome!! now i know what to do with the 1100 pieces of broken crayon and they're perfect for my girls' sunday bags! genius! thanks for sharing

  2. Awesome! If you use new in brand new, the papers come right off!

  3. Fantastic post. I have been wanting to do this for my niece for her birthday, but I forgot about it until I saw this! Thanks for the tutorial. :-)

  4. Great idea...I will have to give it a go!

  5. Brilliant idea! Thanks for sharing. :)

  6. some people are born genius. you are one of them.

  7. I tried that once, when I got fed up of sad looking broken crayons lying around.
