
Sunday, September 12, 2010

The first Post!

We are right in the middle of remodeling our blog but while we work out the fine details of our new layout, Becka and I would like to participate in the "Back to Blogging" activity over at SITS.

Here is the first post that Becka wrote last year:
I'd like to welcome you to my new blog: Welcome.

As it says on the side right there, I've created a blog to share the things that I create, the ideas of creations, and basically to have a hub for my stuff. I'll be setting up an Etsy shop soon and hopefully you can purchase some of my creations there. Or maybe just go look at it and tell a friend. 

I plan to have giveaways that anyone can enter if they help out in my blog. Sometimes you just need to give me ideas, sometimes I'll ask you to promote my shop. I'll explain when it's relevant.

I'll also post simple tutorials for the creations if you ask. By all means they might not be helpful at all, but I'll try.

Anyways, look around, I'll try to keep it updated. You're all invited!
When Becka started this blog, she thought that it would be closely connected with her Etsy shop and basically a way that she could promote the things she sold.  But things have changed so much from that time!  Today we feel like the blog and the Etsy shop are very different things.  The blog has taken on a life of its own and we like to use it to connect with others make new friends besides.

Other than that, we like it.  It was simple and sweet; an invitation to friends and family; a news flash:  I'm starting a craft blog!
One year later, CK has jumped on board and now we are crafting and creating together.
Wow... we've learned SOOO much!!!  Our blog looks completely different from when it did then and we are constantly making new improvements.  And largely this is due to our SITS-tahs!  I love it when we have a good SITS-tah come through and comment or have a look around.  We always learn from each other and the experience makes blogging even more fun!

Thanks for stopping by everyone!

-CK and Becka


  1. Hi, CK and Bella! Good luck in the give-away! One of us who are participating will be one happy person at the end of all this! ;)
    Best regards,

  2. Happy Back to Blogging! Great first post!

    Dropping by from SITS.

  3. CK: I just visited your other blog - it looks so interesting!
    And Bella and CK: I just became a Follower :)

  4. great first post :) it's so neat to see the evolution of our blogs... I wish I had a screen shot of what my blog used to look like... along with the first post... it was so bad ;)

    Looking forward to getting to know more about you this week!

  5. Stopping by from SITS!

    Justed wanted to invite you to check out my Blog For A Cure Blog Party-

    It's a great way to get new followers for you blog, help support the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, and win some great prizes!

  6. wow, so this is a first anniversary, too!

  7. Happy back to blogging! I'm participating as well. Isn't it odd to see our first words?? Stopping by from SITS. Happy Tuesday!

  8. Glad your back, and Happy Anniversary!

    stop by mine when you have a chance!
    Love your blog as always,


  9. Hasn't this been the greatest help from SITS! I've participated as well!

  10. I should try the SITS thing. I follow their blog, but I think I must be slightly afraid of commitment. This going back to the first blog looks like fun, though! I'll have to think about it some more.
