
Monday, April 18, 2011

I made frosting the other day...

Disclaimer:  I'm usually not this negative, I promise!  I was just having a bad day...

For several days last week whenever I asked my daughter what she would like to eat (meal time or snack time), she would say, "cake".  Well, obviously I didn't just drop what I was doing and make cake for her... well okay, maybe after the fourth day, I thought, "cupcakes would be fun for Easter!"  So yeah, I may have dropped what I was doing to succumb to the will of my two year old.  But I can hardly blame myself if ever I have a good reason to bake up this recipe.
So I baked up a batch of chocolaty goodness, and then I figured I had better decorate them bunny-style, seeing as this was all in support of the Easter holiday.  In the past I have always whipped up some cream cheese frosting since that is my husband's favorite, but cream cheese frosting is a yellowish off-white color, and I hate trying to get pretty pinks and blues out of it.  I needed a white frosting recipe, so I looked in my beloved cookbook, and....
was completely hoodwinked into trying a horrible horrible white frosting recipe, that just didn't work.  I'll be honest, I can't link up the recipe here because I just have too many mean things to say about it.  I've never been the understander of how to make nice frostings, but I will say this:  That 'seven minute frosting' had me standing with the beaters for over a half hour trying to get it to thicken up...
Yeah I had no idea what I was doing.
Needless to say, it did not thicken up.
I had to used it anyway though, and so instead of decorating bunny-style (which I had been so excited to do!), I simply had to slather it on the top of the cupcakes.  And then it dried.  And then the cupcakes had helmets so hard they could have survived a nuclear bomb without hiding in a bunker.
Anyways, we still ate them.  Parts of them.  The parts that were edible.  To sum it up, this is basically how it played out:


Have you ever had a recipe flop?


  1. Oh my gosh, Becka. This post totally cracked me up. I love the helmet- head cupcakes, lol...

  2. that's unfuriating!

  3. I always had trouble with cooked frosting, until I looked at, they have step by step blogs that help A LOT!!! My kitchen flops usually don't involve baking, for some reason I have lots of baking luck. One time I made a green rice though, with tons of fresh herbs and garlic pasted up and folded into cooked rice. All that flavor went in and what came out could only be called cardboard flavor. Thank you for making me laugh with the cupcake helmets! Hope you have better luck next time.

  4. It's so disappointing when a recipe goes wrong.
    At least the cake tasted nice. x

  5. Oh my goodness! I have a love/hate relationship with frosting- mostly hate b/c it doesn't usually work out or taste that great. Anyway, my friend Karen is kind of a genius at frosting and looking at her blog makes me want to try again but I usually just stick to the ganache b/c you can't really go wrong with chocolate. Anyway, here's her blog.

    And her recipe page, if you're interested.

    I also must say I LOVE these pictures! :)

  6. Thanks Emily! I love lokin' up other recipes!
    LOL, Mrs.Hansen!
