
Monday, August 30, 2010

Families are Eternal

Our grandma returned home to Heavenly Father this week.  
Yes, my grandma who made me German dumplings and Sourbraten every Sunday we lived at her house.  I am so glad I got to blog about her tradition this week.  It was a wonderful reminder of her and I was very blessed to share that with her before she passed.

This is my grandma who made my summers wonderful with dried fruit and fresh vegetables from her garden;
My grandma who played board games with me and taught me all her tricks so I could play better against my cousins;
My grandma who made me pull weeds and clean windows;
My grandma who turned on Waltzing Matilda in her tape player and then chuckled as we danced across the floor.

I was glad I contacted her a few times last week.  She always had something upbeat to say.  She always had some very personal advice and guidance for me as a mother.  I love her.  

If you have been around this blog at all, you might have seen this toy:

This toy is an appropriate church toy because it reminds us each Sunday that we are sealed together as a family forever.  
My sister and I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and, as members, these buildings have a special significance to us because it is where we can be married or joined with our family members through a sealing ceremony that will bind us beyond our experience on this earth.  

This month Jocelyn Christensen is hosting a month long blogging celebration centered around 
I joining along and this whole month I plan to refocus my faith in Christ and  hopefully memorize the Proclamation so I can understand it more fully.

I know that we each have our own beliefs and understandings of where the spirits of our loved ones go after they leave this life. 
When I knelt down to pray in the morning, I felt my Grandma's presence, her memory so vivid in my mind.  I am sure she has returned home to her Heavenly Father and reunited with her husband who was sealed to her for Time and all Eternity.  
I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father and to my family and friends who bring so much joy and love into my life.
I am very grateful to my understanding of God's plan and assurance of what lies ahead.

Thank you to my family, especially my mother and Aunts and Uncles who have traveled so far to be together at this time.  We send our love.  And thank you to all of my close friends and family for their support at this time.


  1. So sorry to hear of the passing of your grandmother. She sounded like a wonderful lady. It is good to know the plan.

  2. What a wonderful post and tribute to a wonderful woman! I hope that my grandkids think of me this way when I am old and grey!

    I am so glad that you'll be joining us and even memorizing the Proclamation. I think it will be a very renewing experience for you during this special time.

    I was there when my grandmother passed away, and it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I knew without a doubt that she was alive and well and with our Heavenly Father. In death, she bore her most vivid testimony to me...that Family is Forever. Love to you...

  3. I'm very sorry for your lost!
    I hope you and your family get some confort in such beautiful memories!

  4. Carrie and Becka,
    Grandmothers are the best! Her memory is with you forever and her example will be passed on through you to your family. She's probably dancing with all the family that went on before her.
    What a wonderful thing it is to be close to our grandparents!

  5. I'm sorry for your loss, and happy for you that you were able to speak to her last week, that does make things a little happier. When is the funeral? is it in Idaho?

  6. I was so sad to hear about your grandma when Lydia told me. I hope your family is doing okay and I'm glad you were all able to get back together as a family for a little while, even though it wasn't for the happiest of reasons. I'm also glad you were able to speak to her on the phone the week before. That is something that helped me when my grandpa died...remembering the conversations I had with him and also my testimony that families are forever! Thanks for sharing your testimony!
