
Friday, September 17, 2010

Crafty Friends!!!

Wow, it seems like everywhere I look, there are people sharing wonderful ideas and crafts through blogging!
Recently I discovered El Taller de Marta and although I don't understand everything written (because it is in spanish) I LOVE her hand crafted items and illustrations!!! Just look at this little character!

I also recently won a little girl's handbag from Papgena Made It! It was made with the most careful attention to detail. I love reading Papgena's posts and I enjoy hearing about the crafts she shares from all the way over on the other side of the world. Here is a key chain she recently made out of pieces from an earring:

Thank you everyone who reads our blog and continues to share creative ideas with us! We love hearing from you!!!

This post is linked up to Friday Favorites


  1. thank you very much!
    your words make me continue to work!

  2. I love the look of your blog. I wish I could be as "crafty".

  3. I totally wish I could draw! I think that's an amazing skill!

  4. Tank you Carrie!! For your sweet words, and thank you for introduce Marta, I'll have to check it!

  5. Thank you so much for linking up! :) I am going to check out their blogs now. The ladybug in particular is super cute!

  6. what a cool blog! i'm so glad you found me so i could discover you. i was so surprised to see the temple toy. that is darling!!!

  7. Such a great blog you have here Carrie!

  8. Saw you on SITS - I love the clean lay out of your blog. It's easy to read!
