
Monday, September 27, 2010

Dedicated Patchwork

This next patchwork is dedicated to my cousin and friend, Jenni. 

She has a picture of a peacock featured on her blog, and I think it is somewhat of a family symbol  ;) 
so that is what I decided to make her a patchwork of:

As you can see, Jenni is doing the flowers for a wedding.

She did the flowers for my wedding and- oh baby!- she does a good job!!!

Look at this:

(Note my little sister's flower crown)

And here is my cake:

I thought it was the most beautiful cake ever! 
(OK, I might be a little biased).

My other cousin did the cake and the two make an awesome team for weddings.

Thanks bloggy friends!  I've enjoyed making patchworks for everyone who won our Versatile Blogger award!  

I hope everyone has noticed our new layout.  We are still working out a few more links and details but we have an awesome post and giveaway coming up the first week of October so please, come back!!!



  1. I love your new layout and what a BEAUTIFUL bride!!!

  2. I agree, Jenni is so talented! I love the peacock patchwork you made, it is beautiful.

  3. Totally gorgeous bride, flowers and cake!

  4. your new layout is awsome! I love how you use your picture for the links!
    You were a beautiful a bride!

  5. that peacock is SOOOO cool! i love all the shades of blue, too!

  6. i love the little peacock. i can't wait to show my sister in law who has a peacock room in her home.
