
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

prototype dog

Being the child of a seamstress (hey I can call myself whatever I want, right?) can be a drag.

The above is an example of one of the toys that was bequeathed to my daughter.  In case you can't tell, it's a dog.
Often times I have this great vision in my head of a toy to make, which is great, it's the getting there that is the problem.  I start out small and practice.  The early versions of my toys are often ugly ugly ugly.  But that's the way you learn right?
All of my prototypes that are nice enough to survive go to my kids because there ain't no way I'm going to give them to anyone else.  The ones that are so ugly you can't even really tell what they are?
Well, they are recycled for the stuffing.  I don't want to waste stuffing on something that shouldn't exist. 
Heartless, I know.

Anyways, that white dog right there?  That was the first dog I ever made.
It shouldn't exist.
It was made out of an oversized overused hand-me-down maternity shirt.
For kicks I decided to let my daughter play with it for a while before I retrieved the stuffing.  But that didn't work.
It is her dog now.

And it is loved.



  1. I think its cool. Your daughter loves it and it does not require batteries or have a screen to stare at all day

  2. I don't think the dog is ugly!!
    And apparently your daughter agrees with me!! :)
    hear the truth from the mouth of a child!

  3. I think its a great dog.
    You should be proud of it and of the fact that your daughter likes it.

    My little one has a rabbit I made her, its ears, legs and arms are all different lengths but it is loved... and thats the main thing.

  4. Now you have a good memory to share with her when she's older. This dog can be the one she passes on to her children. You created a 'treasure'!

  5. Becka, that little dog is your own little 'Velveteen Rabbit' -- it doesn't matter what it looks like if it's loved. BUT, I think he is ADORABLE! I wish I had the talent to sew a round ball, nevermind sew up a little dog! He's beautiful.

  6. I love them! I totally understand the recycling stuffing!

  7. I love this blog... and the dog...

  8. I love it! Do you plan to do a tutorial? I would LOVE to learn how to make this. I've spent hours Googling DIY stuffed animals and I never find any cute ones.

  9. Has there been some past chewing on that pupper's nose? :)

  10. I think it is an absolutely adorable stuffed animal! Very cute : )
